3 Practical Skills To Help You Excel As A Pilot

Education & Development Blog

So, you want to be a pilot? Great. The aviation industry provides competitive pay and access to roles in a variety of sectors. As you prepare for your journey through flight school, make sure you understand that what you learn in the classroom is only a part of your responsibility. There are several skills pilots-to-be can nurture outside the classroom that may prove to be helpful during school and their professional career.  

Learn to Multitask

As a pilot, you will be required to do more than one thing at a time. This is true even with the more sophisticated control panels that basically operate the aircraft for you. In addition to monitoring the control panel, you will also need to be cognizant of the view ahead of you, while also keeping your ears open for any unusual or telling signs.

To train in this area, simply do it. Start grouping together some of your similar personal tasks and start completing them at the same time, such as answering calls and responding to emails at the same time. The more you make this behavior a part of your regular habit, the more natural it will become.

Practice Good Time Management

While in aviation school, you need plenty of time set aside for training and studying, and once you become a professional, you will need to set aside plenty of time for rest as a tired pilot is a distracted pilot. Start improving your time management skills today to ensure you have plenty of time for these activities.

To start, go through your daily schedule and see what things you can eliminate. For example, if you're watching television for two hours in the morning and another two hours at night, cutting this short will free up time in your day. Next, create a to-do list for the day. Having a goal in front of you can ensure you're staying on task and finishing your responsibilities faster.

Enhance Your Coordination Skills

As previously mentioned, being a professional pilot requires the ability to multitask, but a part of doing this successfully requires good coordination skills. The more coordinated you are, the more delicate and precise your movements with the aircraft will be and the more you can somewhat feel when the aircraft is trying to tell you that something is wrong.

One of the best ways to improve your coordination is to get active. Full body activities, such as aerobics, require you to use several parts of the body at one time, all while staying in a rhythmic motion and balancing.

Make sure you're honing your skills outside the classroom to excel inside the classroom and beyond. For more information, contact a school like the Institute of Aviation at Parkland College


21 June 2017

Learning About Educational Tools

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